Hi my names Justin and this is my story about how I fell in love with the monster under my bed, not a literal monster no Zayn is no real monster damn close though he’s a bully. Not my bully like you would think like most stories would be about no in this story Zayn is the school bully, he bullies everyone else ya I’ve gotten in the way once or twice a elbow to the face and a few harsh words thrown here or there. Zayn is everyone’s monster under their beds but he’s literally my monster under my bed he lives with me, Zayn and I have known each other for years and about five years ago his parents died in a plane crash. He’s been living with me ever since we share a room, he’s my monster under my bed under my bunk bed. He us to be a nice person sweet, gentle but when his parents died everything changed he changed. I understand losing a parent or parents hurts but you would have thought he would have gone into a depression but no he got angry, bitter, enraged, irate, and resentful. I want that Zayn I grow up with the one that didn’t care I was nerdy, girly, and odd but that Zayn is gone and I have a feeling he’s never coming back. That’s what makes the me being in love with him so much more hard I fell in love with him when he was that Zayn the sweet, open hearted Zayn but he isn’t that Zayn anymore but I’m still in love with him. Zayn doesn’t even know that I love him I’m afraid to tell him for so many reasons one being he hates gays, he doesn't know I’m gay.
Co-writern with @Baby_Gerken247 and @swaggyjbnerd