Vulnerability (vul·ner·a·bil·i·ty) noun the quality or state of being exposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally. New cover coming soon Athena Woods twenty seven years old, nice house, good job, great husband, a baby on the way and comes from a very respected family. Of course not all is perfect in her life there's secrets just like any other family. You just don't speak of them. When the world goes to shit she's fighting for her life, her sister and her unborn child. The once positive, bubbly girl is gone she's learning not everything is peachy. And to make it now you have to be tough. She meets the tough, stubborn, hot headed redneck that shows her no pity. Why would he? She's just another whiney bitch. But something about her..he just can't get enough of.
4 parts