They fear us. We are worth nothing more. We are terrible creatures. Some of us, at least. That's all the kingdoms have ever known. There's an insanity virus of sorts, and if it gets to one of us, they go from being peaceful naiads, to bloodthirsty cannibalistic dryads. But we were never meant to touch meat, we cant eat it. Cannibalism morphs not only our minds, but our bodies as well. We dry out, rot. Some can't control it, in a number of ways. We only know of one. We know that if they're done with their lives and want it to end, they can rash out, and hurt someone. Somehow they resort to cannibalism. But not me. I will not lose the life I have. #6 in Naiad #935 in aarmau #19 in dryad *i am aware that dryads are not mermaids, but rather forest spirits*