(I do not own this picture or any of the characters, Undertale and any AU's in this. I only own this story.)
The Original Error was angry, destroyed everything he could and became known as the Destroyer once he was dragged into the Anti-VOID. He was driven mad by the screams that only he could hear as he lost all his memories.
This Error is apathetic, he gave zero shits and no fucks.
Even after he was dragged in, memories foggy and spotty, and even as the Voices screamed at him, Error did not care. He was fine alone, he felt nothing as he laid in the white. He knew he had the power to leave, but he just used the portals to watch the other AU's, never leaving the white. He could watch them, but they couldn't see him. He watched as the Monsters found out they could travel to other AU's, watched as Nightmare's group fought Ink's.
Then one day, he accidentally made his string go out into the portal and help a Monster on the other side. After that, Error decided to continue to help out or play with the other Monsters, sometimes the white was boring and this made things more interesting.
Soon the Monsters came to love the Blue Strings that randomly showed up to help or even play little tricks. Soon the theory, the belief, that it was a God came to fruit. Unknown to Error, Monsters came to low-key worship him.
One day Error had reacted without thinking when he knew his string could not save or help, making them see the one who controlled the strings.
Now Nightmare and Ink fight and try to make Error join a side, Error somehow gained a devoted cult following, people are thinking Error is a God, and too many Monsters are after Error's love.
And in all of this madness, Error just wants to be left alone in his little spot in the Anti-VOID.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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