Two years after Mitch Grassi's "death," everyone has moved on. Even Scott Hoying, his old best friend. What happens when a sudden rise to fame ruins all that he created for himself. You can change your appearance and fake who you are, but none of that seems to matter when your standing face to face with the person who once new everything about you. "Mitch?" "Yes sir." "Mitch it's me, it's Scott" "Hello Scott, nice to meet you. Would you like a autograph?" "No, i thought you were dead." "I'm sorry I have no idea who you are or what your talking about. Good day sir." "If you think for one second, that I will let you go again. You thought wrong, you can't do this to everyone. I thought you died!" "I should have." Dear Scott, Your one of the reasons why I'm "dead." I will not be coming back, ever. Don't look for me, I don't want to be found. But take this last piece of information, I. Am always. Watching. You. And I will forever. You know, I always figured that even if everyone in the world was against me I still had you. What you did really really stung, have a nice life Scott. Be happy with your decisions. "I deserved to die." And with a heavy heart I looked up at him, determined to break him one last time. "If you think for one second that I still love you. You aren't from my world." And as I turned to leave he grabbed my hand and said "I may not be from your world, but one day the door to it is gonna open and I will move back in." Shit.