"Alyssa Ruzim...dat is a strange girl, dat is." Miss Qima has been taking care of the girl for sixteen years, ever since her parents died in that house. The woman can feel their ghosts watching her, threatening her if she doesn't take care of their precious girl. The father scares Miss Qima the most, he has a contorted figure, and a snout. Alyssa Ruzim has been a hooligan all her life. As a child she stole by pickpocketing, now she robs out right, in public and during the day. There is something strange with her, she knows it, and so does everyone else. Every day she looks different. She knows she's a Halfling, but there's no way for her to control it anymore. All the Shinchangers are dead. The last of them have been hung by rangers. They "cause problems for common society". Everyone is just afraid of them. So she has to leave, she has to vanish, before the rangers pick up on her bloodline.