In the midst of the bustling high school halls, Violet, an ordinary 18-year-old, thrives in her unnoticed existence. But everything changes when Ethan, her childhood neighbor and the bane of her existence, disrupts the tranquil bubble she's carefully crafted. Suddenly thrust into the spotlight, Violet becomes the target of the popular crowd's malevolence, threatening to unravel her once serene life. Amidst the whirlwind of parties, surging emotions, and the unpredictable power of love, Violet navigates a treacherous path, teetering on the edge of teenage madness
Trigger warning for the following:
-mature content
-some strong language
-mentions of abuse
Everything was cool. It was fine and normal until, a new family moves I'm next door. The beautiful family seemed normal enough, but something was off. Their son didn't fit into the rest of them.
He was mysterious and seemed a little bit standoffish. He seemed rude and like he didn't belong.
Meeting him went well, and she catches his eye.
Going to school together and their families spending some time together causes them to grow closer. So close that things happen.
What happens? Do sparks fly?