Levi Lago was an average everyday high school girl. Spending her time equally between controlling the urge to kill her annoying older brother, crushing on said brother's best friend, spending time with her weird friends, and staying out of trouble. But that all changed the night of the football game when her fate was irreversibly changed drastically. Now her number one priority is surviving and keeping her secret hidden from everyone around her even her friends and family, which is kind of hard when trouble keeps seeking her out in the the form of werewolves looking for justice and hunters trying to kill her.
Jason Stark on the other hand is a normal everyday teenage werewolf. His life is made up of his pack duties consisting of patrolling and tracking, school life, and playing on the school's football team. He wouldn't change this perfect life for anything, but this normal life takes a wrong turn towards crazy town the night of that same football game when Levi, the sister of the rival team's quarterback, is attacked and taken by a rogue werewolf. And before he knows it he unwittingly becomes involved in this whole mess with not even a choice in the matter.
Under normal peaceful circumstances their paths would never have crossed, but because of one very deranged,very powerful rogue wolf their paths will intertwine forcing them to choose sides and make choices that will forever change them.
A half. Half werewolf.
When Stan and his pack finds Ivy things turned around for her. Just as she thinks being a half and hanging out with wolves are fun she finds out that not every werewolf likes halves.
Ivy's in danger now. Stan being the Alpha is the only one who can save her. But along with that she can't let anyone else know her secret. She needs to keep up her social life as well.
But along with her, her friends have been dragged into this. And not only them, Ivy's worst enemy, Tyler too.
If Ivy prove it that she's fit to be a half she'll be fine but if she can't it's the end for her. But she's a student too, she has school to worry about, and most importantly her love life.