Adrianne Myre or Adri/Anne (nicknames) grew up in the slums of the Shelves Twelve, one of the most popular cities in the many prosperous countries. The country follows the religion of the Elements, as each citizen has an Elemental Hue of at least 10, meaning a comparability with the elements. In her world there are 4 more genders/categories other than male and female. One of those being the Authors, those who can create worlds inside of the stories they write. The Authors are the second rarest gender to be born into, they are the leaders and are born to become great with their Elemental Hues in the 50's. The most common are the Readers, those who work in the main land, reading the works of Authors, they have the lowest Elemental Hues. The third rarest gender is the Omni's, standing for both omnipotent and omniscient, they serve as the Overseers in the books Authors write. Omni's, or mostly known as Overseers have an Elemntal Hue of at least 46. Their job is to make sure that the plot is carried out correctly until the end. The rarest is the Outlier gender, those born into this gender have an Elemental Hue of at least 66 and have special powers besides the Elements. As not much is known about the other powers, they are treated as outcasts and heavily discriminated against, so they formed a rebel group filled with hurt and angry Outliers from being cast down by society. At age 10, Adrianne goes for the test every child of that age has to take to find out their standing in society. At her local church she discovers that she has an Elemental Hue of 98.9% and a compatibility with all the elements. She quickly rises to sucess since she has, shown great results as an Overseer. However eventually she began to find almost every job she got boring and predictable, that is until she gets a job by request of an Author. Since its against their policy to take requests, out of curiousity she takes it. Little does she know how deep the rabbit hole she entered actually is.