Harmony, many words are written in her story. She roamed the streets of New York with her mother and father that were happy like her, even though they had her at 15. When she was 5 she skipped through the house to find her father under the covers shaking his hips against her aunt Jasmine. Her mother soon figured out, then they left to London, not leaving a footstep in their trails. Her mother was than never home, and never raising poor Harmany. Her life got even more difficult when she got to middle school, all her friends left her, and she was bullied, by Harry... Harry Styles. She always wondered why he choose her to bully. Maybe because she was a goody goody, a mixed brunette with hazel eyes, and who always wore sweats to cover her body. Later she found her best friend that acted like her, Liam Payne. In 7th grade she started to date a sweet, quiet, charming boy, Niall Horan. When she became 18, liam niall and her got into the University of London, finally getting away from the life she wanted to leave behind. But in college, what happens when poor Hamony gets her heart split with feelings? Is it too much drama for her to handle?