"Don't you dare intrude in my life, for I never wanted to be fixed nor ever needed to be." He said with his voice booming all across the room. Although his words cut deep through my beating heart, I can't help but to smile even if I could already feel the pang of deplore that is already englufing the love that I feel towards him. "Oh but darling, I am not here to fix you. I am here to hold your hand while you fix yourself." I answered back. All of a sudden, the man who kept on pushing people away, that same man who built walls around his heart for a long time of being alone, crumbled right in front of me. Right at that moment I have suddenly realized that he had finally let the sorrow of the past to overcome the act of bravery that he's been using as a facade. His psyche was already burdened because of the lost of the only person who once filled his world with perfectly luminous hues. For his soul was an art, and arts weren't meant to be beautiful. They were made for people to see the meaning behind the arcane strokes by a painter who's insanity was often misunderstood. -*-*-*- I am Nathalia Johannson, and I am the STAIN within Gale Marcus' pristine life (well that's pretty much how he describes me). His goal is to get rid of me, for I cause lethargy to his average and common routine of 'living the life' if that's what he call his daily rounds of signing papers and attending meetings all day. But this STAIN won't get off that easily, for I have one goal that I ever so wanted to reach, and that is to bring back the colors to his once kaleidoscopic life before life itself drain the only speck of color left in him.All Rights Reserved
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