Most people don't pay much attention to kitchen trash and often end up using those harmful plastic bags that are not just dangerous for the environment, but also for pets. Plastic bags, although cheap, are prone to insect infestation, which can create a further hygiene issue. As a better alternative, you can opt for RepellemTM Tall Kitchen bags, made by ECOsmartplastics. ECOsmartplastics is a unique company that makes trash bags with trademarked ESP-BIOTM additive technology, which promises to be safe for the environment. The company makes two kinds of products - RepellemTM Large Trash Bags, which are scented and keep insects at bay, and ECO-smartbags, which work like a natural replacement for traditional plastic trash bags. It is the only company to pioneer this technology, and the trash bags made by them are completely natural and don't last in the landfills and oceans for more than a few months. ECOsmartplastics products are designed to be safe for the environment and humans and can be purchased both online and offline from Amazon and Walmart respectively. The company has tested their products in independent labs and is open to sharing the results of the same, on request. Check their website now to know more about ESP-BIO additive technology!All Rights Reserved