Hi everyone im back with a new book. Yes it that time again. But this time its original and would be biggest project ever. Once a collab now as a book.
About Freak Omens: It takes place in a city fill of humans and freaks or monsters. the living creatures... (storyline still thinking about it...)
The history or prologue
Since the dawn of time, a force has been unleashed, but nobody ought to know. Although they were reports of mysterious beasts recently. I didnt know what this mean until i encountered. Over decades people have hunted them. In a sense, it was victory and carefree for us. Somehow...they all wanted peace.. Citizens like us. They wanted to live like us, a majority of them actually. Wars, politics,rebellion, protesting and laws have passed by. By the end of the 19 century slowly, we started to accept them. Although we werent to fond and we're much afraid of them. Until one day an earthquake struck us. It took some to rebulid the city. By the end of that decade, it turn to modern times. Where the president had spoked that now all monsters and humanity should joined in peace hands. By the now at the present time, we had all considered each other equally free with rights and no one has the power to take that away from all of us. (Except for the government anywho...) Now monsters may or may not live a normal life. (Monster High? Jk nope)
My side of ocs: Fran, Marisol, Pitch, Morgan, Steven, Noiz, Jennifer, Carlos, Clint, Ms. Maggie, Mrs. & Mr. Gomez, Logan, Kenny, Jensen, John, Docto, Ituxi, Sam, Oliver, Grezu, Her mother, Steven's aunt, brother, and cousins. Mr. Squeakers. Qriem. Oliver's Grandma. Slyvia. Maia. Fabian. Agatha & Claire
Another side: Erick, Cluster,Ally, Wizard, lil robot, Mr. Death, Satan(Devo), Bug(Charles),Monster(Tim), Creature(Marco), Goat skull man, Cluster's father Tile, Lilypad, Jule, Hooje, and Koies, Siren, and Mr. Belial, Bayou, Crystalis, Ben, Neil, May, Blob, Demon, Succubus. Ally's family.