Hide and his twin Hideaki (who is pretty much the exact same as Hide since he's Hide's identical twin but I suppose you can call him an OC. I'd prefer to call him Hide's double though. Lol perhaps at some point I can put Hideaki in a non-AU fanfic, and Kaneki'll be all confused because he has two Hides to worry about.) are now getting ghoul slaves on their fifth birthday. Hide chooses a ghoul named Centipede, and Hideaki chooses ___. But rather than thinking of them as slaves, the energetic twins think of their pets as friends?!! And what's this, Centipede and ___ have a sour past together? Why were they the only five-year-olds in the auction in the first place? Watch (but really read) as Centipede and ___ learn how to act around their new masters! Because seriously, these twins are crazy.
Oh, P.S. Nagachika is a branch family of the Washuus. Which is why they're rich and are getting ghoul slaves on their fifth birthday.
Disclaimer: I don't own Tokyo Ghoul (:re)! If I did, chapter 125 never would've been written! (Yes, I'm still angry about that.)
Warnings: yaoi, slave, who knows what else.