There's a story for everyone. For every scenario and lesson that you want to get across. This story is one of madness. This story is the story before the story that goes into the story that everyone doesn't know. Percy Jackson had a long fall from the hero he used to be. Especially when the gods banish him to a place full of death, decay, blood, and insanity. It's also not supposed to be real. It's Wonderland. Alice's Wonderland. Except before Alice. And not a hundred percent whole. Or sane. And nothing like it was made out to be. As Percy tries to fight and live in an apocolyptic Wonderland, he gains the name Cheshire for his grin. And because it was the only thing he could think of. And he's going sword happy. He's also going crazy but that's not really important. The people of Wonderland are ruled by the Queen of Hearts, tortured extensively by the Mad Hatter, addicted to drugs given to them by a blue catapillar, and are given a specific time to die by the universe that makes a specific serial killer rabbit really jumpy. Percy- or Cheshire- meets all of these people. Percy's life in Wonderland is started with threats by those who want him dead. The Queen of Hearts especially. In this before tale of the tale, I will tell you the story of The Cheshire Cat. Or Percy Jackson, as he used to be called.All Rights Reserved