It was only a matter of time till England and Spain rekindled their ancient fires. The great wealth flowing from galactic conquest produces gold, taxes, and goods to send from colony to mother land. While treaties keep these two empires from directly attacking each other, England has found a loop hole.
It doesn't count as war if your war ship flies the skull and cross bones.
As history repeats itself, a new captain dons the title: Francis Drake. The English Dragon, The Queen's Wyvern. His path not only escalates the uneasy treaties, but unleashes a new age of piracy and skulduggery.
Francis Drake soon finds him self training the next upstart generation of fortune seekers and traitors of the crown. Captain Kidd, Captain Morgana, and First Mate Lancaster. Each seek their fate among the stars.
The seas of the void have never been so perilous and will never be safe again.