17 chapitres En cours d'écriture Contenu pour adultesPrincess Anne, born into a Royal, wealthy family, and most loved royal family..or so she thinks..only daughter of king and queen, and they'll do anything to protect her, so when king and queen get a deadly threat, they are desperate to find anything, or anyone to protect her, they search and search, and finally, they find him. Her soon to be bodyguard.
Lorenzo, trained half his life, making a promise to himself after what he went through in his past, to protect anyone from harm and danger. Now all he needs is a protectee. So when king and queen need a guard to protect their precious daughter, he can't miss up on this chance to make the promise to himself come true. Now all he has to do is protect Princess Anne from any harm and danger, and do his job properly.
Princess Anne becomes confused and worried once her parents tell her about Lorenzo, she wants answers to her questions, but her parents ignore them for her sake, once she meets Lorenzo, she asks him the same questions, but he was told not to answer them. Anne notices he's cold and distant personality, so she makes it her goal to burst that bubble, and get him out of his comfort zone.
What will happen during Anne's goal? Will Lorenzo keep his promise and truly keep Anne from danger? Will Anne reach her goal? Only one way to find out.