Lady Gabriel Clarinth Nakamura Hansons is the long lost daughter of Peter Hansons and Loren Nakamura the Master and Lady of Red Dragon Organization. Leonardo Miyasaki is the bestfriend of Peter Hansons, He is the one who kidnapped Clarinth because of hidden rage to Peter, He named Clarinth as Shane Evangelista Miyasaki. He claimed Clarinth as his real daughter in Shane's Persona.. At the young age of 16, Shane Miyasaki and Shawn Angelo Madrid met by chance and they fell inlove to each other. In its celebration of their first year as a lover, Shane willingly gave herself to Shawn without reproach. Shane is devastated by the death of Shawn Angelo, because of the insident occured in Pangasinan.This will be the reason of "Revenge of the Innocent Heart"