In a post-apocalyptic future, the human population has been reduced to only three-million people. In this story, you get an experience from a survivor group known as The Militia, five teenage boys stuck on a large aircraft alone for the rest of their lives, this can only go so well. However, surviving in this new world isn't a walk in the park. Landing to hunt for supplies, other survivors with aircraft of their own, mutants, these are only a few of the never-ending threats headed their way.
When a fatal bus crash takes the lives of thirteen people from Ryan's troupe, the remaining survivors are forced to experience the new post-apocalypse their world has become.
With cannibalistic people, contaminated air, and the deaths of their friends looming around the new group of survivors, the question isn't who will survive, but how long until they break.
*this is an unedited story so please be mindful of that*