" Dont tell my cousin to shut up." Dejah sat up getting in his face. The boy driving stopped, swerving in the grass looking back ." Yo! shut the fuck up man." I sit back with wide eyes , as you can see i'm abit less drunk now. "You can't tell me what to do bitch" Dejah growled snapping at him " Huh..okay ,okay" he reached over to the glove department popping it open. " W-wait bryan, not now" Patrick tried to stop him, so his name is bryan "Oh you got a gun , yo bitch ass aint gonna do nothing" dejah edged him on. "Dare me.." I held my breath scare of what's gonna happen " Wait a second bryan" Patrick ranted toward bryan. "No let him act big and bad like the momma boy nigga he is" Bryan eyes filled with rage and he swung open his door pulling dejah's open too He dragged her out the car and i grabbed her hand " Okay..stop.!" Patrick got out screaming with me " Bryan stop brah, forreal." I hold tighter on dejah's arm hearing cartilage ripping, I let go causing both of them to fly into each other and there was a loud bang, which made me jump and my eyes widen and tears spilled out. Bryan slide from underneath dejah covered in blood. That's when my life change, the girl I once was... was souled out.All Rights Reserved