Boruto Uzumaki is the teenage son of Naruto Uzumaki, The Seventh Hokage, and Temari Of The Sand, the older sister and former body guard of his uncle, The Fifth Kazekage Garra. Despite being born into a seemingly wonderfully and happy life with friends and family by his side, Boruto has secretly spent most of his privileged life hiding behind a mask of being the cool and headstrong person people think he is. However, after a series of unfortunate events, we see Boruto's mask begin to crack and deteriorate as he tries to hold it together. This book will ultimately explore Boruto's depressed psyche as he tries to navigate the pressures of life while also dealing with his mother's strict attitude, his father having little to no time for him due to his position as Hokage, and the pressure he secretly feels from trying to live up to people's expectations of him becoming as great as his famous father. As Boruto eventually reaches his breaking point, he ultimately makes a decision that could potentially define him for the rest of his life. Will he choose to continue spending the rest of his life hiding behind a mask or will his destiny lie somewhere else in the universe? At the end of this book, you might or might not ask yourself this question. Is being the son of Naruto really what it's cracked up to be?