At birth, everyone has the date they will die tattooed on their arm. You were supposed to die yesterday. When you were first born - when everyone was first born - a tattoo printed with the date of your death is seared into your dominant arm. It scares everyone, and honestly, who wants to know these things? But even the top government officials have them, and it is supposed to be "a mark of safety and caution to its wearer". Yeah right... When you live in a world where death is such a prominent thing do you think society has accepted it as a norm? When your government makes it so, how can it not be? The government doesn't choose when anyone will die but looks for specific markers that will determine your lifespan. They look for the impure genetic factors that make you up, Homosexuality, if you are a murder thief or criminal of any sort, if you are prone to disease, or will most likely get cancer. These factors decide your fate and how long you will live. And you thought dying was easy...