(DISCLAIMER: All ideas regarding the Hunger Games belong to Suzanne Collins.) Ravene and Astryd are sisters and best friends who inhabit District 4. Their parents split when they were toddlers, and then not too long after, the fact of splitting and abandoning their children urged them both to commit suicide. This resulted in Astryd and her young sister Ravene having to live alone, fend, feed, care for and protect each other. Years later, Astryd and Ravene matured and grew close as any two could be and lived a relatively calm life in the district. Although their life may seem laid back, one thing sparks a fire in Ravene's blood, her sister's boyfriend Crymson. She has become overly attached to this guy from District 2, but made Ravene one promise... "Through the rain of magma, throughout the sea of blood, the wind of acid, i will be by your side".