Canary Creams and New Yellow Paint - (DRARRY)
33 Partes Concluida Contenido adultoIt's been fifteen years since Draco last saw Potter, but here he is in Draco's Ocularistry clinic, claiming one of Draco's products malfunctioned while he was painting and cost him an eye.
Draco's ready to fit Potter with a prosthesis and send him on his merry way, but then the rest of Draco's patients start seeing mysterious symbols through their eyes, and the resulting blow to Draco's public reputation drags Scorpius's promising campaign to be the Ministry of Magic's official Creature Liaison through the mud.
Draco is determined to fix it.
If that means trudging through a boggy moor in search of a fictional species Luna thinks is causing their problems, Draco will just have to pluck up the courage, march in with a team of Gryffindors, and be ready to battle any beast they meet.
Even if that beast looks less like the large, bipedal talking toads they find and more like the Ministry of Magic as a whole.
Tags: Canon typical violence, non-graphic descriptions of injuries to eyes, EWE, disability, POC Harry Potter, Black Astoria Greengrass, mixed Scorpius Malfoy, Black Hermione Granger, Black Rolf Scamander, original creatures, magical environmentalism, unique jobs, middle-aged Drarry, 72k words
Pairings: Draco/Harry, Draco/Astoria (past, amicable divorce), Lavender/Parvati, Luna/Rolf, Ron/Hermione
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Written as part of the H/D Erised Fest of 2022.
Cover art credit @UpTheHillArt on Tumblr. Cover will probably change