Why do I do it? Why not control me? I want to be normal so I do not have to suffer ...
These were the questions and thoughts that passed me every night, when I was sitting in my room, unable to sleep, at two-three in the morning.
But before let me explain who I am and what you guys are going to read here.
My name is Juka, I'm 19 years old and I'm in college. As any university student i went out to live in the cafes, I studied and went out at night. It seems to be the life we all want. But my life has not always been easy and even today it is not easy.
Here I will talk about my life and my experience with self-mutilation, depression and, above all, with myself.
Why write my story here? Because it is easier to talk to strangers than to friends who look into your eyes while you are saying what you have experienced and felt.
It is easier to listen to the opinions of others and express myself through a computer screen.