Prologue Thirteen Years Old Feeling my mother’s thin arms rap around me as she also layed her head atop mine and kissing my forehead with her soft thin lips. Her dark brown hair in a bun with small ringlets layed on my shoulders. She spoke softly, only audible enough to where my uncle and step dad couldn’t hear, ‘Try to forget about what happened my darling. You don’t have to worry anymore that’s over with.‘ Looking up I watched as my mother stared at my step dad, she looked at him full of love. Something I thought was unreal, my mother cared for this man but I don’t get how she would love someone ever since last time. She lifted her head off me looking at me her lips slightly lifted up her thin lips kissing my forehead once more. Following her into the house my stepdad and her walked around the house speaking of the new house, he didn’t know the whole story and would never. She was lost in her own crazy world not thinking about how he would react if he learned the truth. She lied to the one she said she loved and I would never understand, if he loved he would understand.