  • مقروء 1
  • صوت 0
  • أجزاء 1
  • الوقت 8m
  • مقروء 1
  • صوت 0
  • أجزاء 1
  • الوقت 8m
مستمرة، تم نشرها في مايو ٣٠, ٢٠١٧
There are obviously scenarios in LIFE , where a bit of guts and courage would have got us a better #tomorrow yet we are reluctant to take it. What if LIFE gives us another chance directly/ indirectly to have a RETAKE on an event...? Well that's what this short story is all about. A retake on a 25-minute event in a guy's life. The story is seasoned with titbits of romance, mystery, sci-fi and fiction. I'm not sure of the genre. Let me know what you feel about it.
Like it if it deserves to be. Comment and share. It's for a competition #tomorrow on Sweek
Check out my story on
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