In conclusion, I had been kidnapped.
The telephone attached to the wall rang, nearly scaring me back to life. I picked it up and put it to my ear, starting with a friendly "What do you want?"
"Straight to the point, I see, L/N." said a man's low voice in Japanese.
"I'm not going to repeat myself after this. What. Do. You. Want?"
"Nothing too alarming. Just listen to my proposal."
"Alright. Go on."
"We need someone to assassinate a schoolteacher."
"What? You kidnapped me to kill a teacher?"
"He's no ordinary teacher. Do you recall the surname Yanagisawa?"
I cringed at a memory of terror. "Yes. I do. I thought the government shut him down."
"It did, but he continued his work underground, even after the failures-."
"We weren't failures." I ground my teeth together.
"Yes- sorry. You and your group were successful, more or less." He paused. "One of his final experiments- he escaped. At the moment he is a teacher at a prep school in Japan, actually, you're located in the very building he teaches in."
"You're kidding."
"No- I'm not." He paused again. "We need him assassinated. Do you recall the moon incident earlier this year?"
"Of course. It made my life a whole lot easier."
"Right- well, he is the one who caused the moon to explode. He threatens to do the same to the earth. All the world leaders are putting up their most experienced assassins, and I think you, as the only assassin of-" he must have been trying to find a non-offensive word. "-your kind are capable of doing the deed. You're strong, faster, more intelligent... the most elite."
"I guess I have to agree. I don't suppose you'd let me leave alive otherwise."