Peter Pan, a lost boy who enjoyed the pain of others. His mind, a twisted game. Love isn't a factor for him, he believes it makes him out to be weak so he strays from it. Madison Soyer, a girl who has a golden heart but it was never enough. Life was above average. Above average parents who expected so much from her. Above average siblings who always towered her in the ability of being the expectation of perfect. She spent her whole life trying to live up to her family's expectations but fails every time. She's so busy trying to create her above average non existent reality that she hasn't made room for love. One night a strange knock on the window ring in her ears. Fueled with curiosity she opens it. Little did she know opening that window would change her whole life. With this little adventure she meets the one and only Peter Pan. For an unknown reason Peter takes an interest in her. As they both connect a lost sense begins to come into reach. The sense of love. But doing this won't be easy, there will be many obstacles in the way. Will this sense come to the surface. Or will they forever be hidden by each other's shielding fear of love? What Obstacles shall they have on this journey of connection? Read to find out? Note: I do not own Peter Pan all of those right proceed to the ABC series Once Upon A Time |Now you should begin|All Rights Reserved