(Harry Potter Fanfiction) But Title Erased For Security Reasons
21 Bölüm Tamamlanmış Hikaye Harry Potter fanfiction, Tom Riddle AU.
A few decades ago, Armando Dippet obediently let Tom Riddle take over the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts. Consequently, Riddle was not able to directly participate in the war, turning into a behind-the-scenes Dark Lord, living his life as a heartthrob teacher who never seems to age, living free of suspicion as a legitimate and highly regarded member of the Wizarding Society:
[Professor Tom Marvolo Riddle, Order of Merlin: First Class, Duelling Champion, Expert Potioneer, Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and holds history's highest rank in OWLS and NEWTS.]
What happens when said professor meets the Boy Who Lived for the first time?
I do not own the characters, I only own the changes in the plot. All characters belong to the illustrious and beloved J K Rowling, without whom, we would not have ever delved into the world of Harry Potter.