In the distant Galaxy of Herdmin, the planet of the Gazorpians suddenly dies. A star- Their sun- explodes killing countless Gazorpians- a pieces of E.T humans, with fangs, green skin, and a reason to die. The Council of the Universe, decides to send out troops to find Gazorpians that have been taken as slaves to save their species. And they will tear through anyone who stands in there way. In another Galaxy, the Tomain Galaxy, a boy, Zy, is injured and rescued by a guy Named Rolan, Rolan lies to Zy, and keeps secrets. After 3 years- Zy runs away from Rolan- to find him own life again. He falls to a near-deaths state and is then rescued by someone, this "someone" takes Zy to a Oxi- City- a city that flies- where Zy obtains a ship- to go into the far Galaxies, to find out the truth about the Gazorpians- and what the Universe truly is. Fink, a Gazorpian that is slaved to a planet hears a voice. The voice tells him what he has to do to escape from his slavery, soon Fink escapes and journeys to find out what and who he is. Soon after Fink is captured by a group sent out by the Council of the Universe, called "The Talos". Fink is taken captive on their ship- to reserve the Gazorpian kind. After the ship is boarded by a group of Galaxy Pirates- called the G's. Fink is taken by the G's, and held captive. Soon after, Fink finds himself in a trade. The G's are trading Fink- for Units. Units: a form of currency. And soon escapes into the Universe. What will become of the Universe? Only the Universe knows. The Universe knows: The Universe ends with you.