In today's busy life the importance given to our foot is generally neglected when compared with other body parts. Reason behind is we always think that they are protected with footwear or shoes most of the times. Whereas it is totally opposite with a fact that even though they are covered by shoes or footwear most of the times the exertion our feet go through is high with pollution, heat and rainy weather. Having healthy feet promotes healthy lifestyle and of course! There is nothing better giving ourselves time to relax and give our feet utmost attention that they deserve. The stress they go through is high as they carry our weight. They also deserve to be pampered once in a while. Foot spa is one of the best way to pamper your feet, as it involves the process of reflexology, which creates a pressure on the whole body. You can go to spa centers or you can do foot spa at home. Important thing is to choose the right product that will be suitable for your skin and body type. As the nerve points are present in the feet, light massage stimulates those points and helps to cure headaches, migraine, acidity, joint pain and indigestion.Alle Rechte vorbehalten
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