The school year had just begun for Anne, Ella, Milly, and Paige. It was a happy time for the middle schoolers, cracking jokes at lunch and partnering up in classes. All was great for the friends, up until a girl named Toren got moved into Milly and Anne's science class. Anne thought nothing of this , until Toren and Milly partnered up. Toren had a known reputation for being a birch and lying to get her way. She was a stuck up rich brat who vandalized other peoples things for "fun". After that, Milly and Toren started to hang out more often and brought Milly into her crime frenzy. After this Milly dated a boy three years older than her that got held back twice. Even Millys good friend Stephanie noticed a BAD change. But it was the end of the year and they ended up go to jail for breaking and entering a police station for trying to steal the handcuffs so they could be stuck together for ever. They ended up going to separate jails. THE END.Все права защищены
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