A crash across dimensions happened years after the four sword was return, sending Ganon to the world of Yandere Simulator. Yandere-Chan killed him after threatening her senpai using the four sword that was shot out of it's pedestal (she didn't spit in four). Ganon in anger cursed her, but the binding sword absorbed it changing the curse. Only those who saw it know what happened, it's seen as one of their world's biggest mysteries.
Please note I'm basing the school system off of middle school, so a lot of the details like personal classes are simplified
Now years later the curse begins, the hero's of the four sword heroes are reincarnated (including Shadow) but Yandere-Chan turned the curse into a loving curse, making the reincarations yandere (only one) for each other in a very weird way. Dark Link, Vaati, Ganondorf, etc are also reincarnated (rivals, problems, assets ect). Dark Link and Shadow Link are brothers and Dark is similar to Info-Chan, with a bad past. Link from OoT is Green's older brother and primary care taker. Green and Blue grew up as childhood friends, Red finding them a year before finding Shadow and Vio. Last names; Red Pieces, Blue Winters, Green Lockes, Shadow Kage, and Vio Aishi (Yes he's the child of Yandere-Chan) A lot of lemons and limes, you have been warned. There will be character death in the future.
The curse causes them to intimately feel an addiction to each other. They need each other to be happy. Once they feel it, they can't function without it.
When a character says something like 'Oh Goddesses' they are just saying the first thing that popped into their mind. This is the world of Yandere Simulator not Hyrule, The Dark World, etc, there by the goddesses don't exist in the story
On Ao3 account: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Arceus_Insanity
This work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29024748/chapters/71237994