Both being a member of the top groups this 2017 is an honor and a bit overwhelming but the downside of it is there are a lot of rules and one of it, which is the most important is.... NO DATING! Kim Mingyu, Seventeen's lead rapper & face of the group. Having feelings towards a certain girl group member is not easy for him. Stealing glances is the only thing that he can do. He is secretly crushing on a girl who is tall, kind hearted and easy going. Chou Tzuyu, Twice's lead dancer, vocal, visual & maknae. All our firsts happens during our teenage times. Tzuyu being a 17 year old girl is currently experiencing one of her firsts in life, that is...having deep feelings for someone. She does not want to call it love yet for she only admires him from afar. BUT! what if they got casted on Korea's Top Romantic TV show: WGM? Will they choose to follow the rules and avoid putting their carrers at risk or will they follow what their heart truly desires?
15 parts