Lisa was just like any other 16 year old till the day on which she recived the news of her mothers death... things became harder for her when her dad informed her that he is going to remarry.... puting her brave front on she tried to acepte her fate and looked forward for her new life with her new family..... Just like Lisa , Jack has also lost his father .... but unlike lisa he was not at all satisfied with the decision of his mother's remarriage.... he was not comfortable with any other people Even after the marriage he never accepted Lisa as his sister.. this indeed hurt lisa's feeling.... so their mom dad decided to arrange a tour for them to an isolated island so that they can build up there bro-sis relation and be comfortable with each other. But the trip did not turned as it was expected to and they incountered.. the warth of undead.. and a sad reality of there life. Will they overcome the ordel.. and find the truth about this island and survive OR will they never find the way out of the " ISLAND OF UNDEAD "