Hi my name is Lucy and I live with Phil and Carly, my wonderful parents who love me lots. Note the sarcasm. They probably do love me, but dragging me to this cabin makes me feel like they hate me and are torturing me. !!A nickname I absolutely hate that my friends call me is "goody two shoes". I just don't like it because they don't know what I've done in the past before I moved to the current city I live in called Los Angeles. I'm not saying I was a "bad girl" or had a bad reputation but as my mother says, "you go for the wrong guys..the ones that will mess you up." I've had a few boyfriends and two of them were complete jerks. My first one when I was 15 years old said he loved me all of the time but we dated in private. He was embarrassed to be seen with me. I didn't understand why we would meet under the bleachers for a kiss goodbye between classes until like the fifth time I finally asked him. "I'm trying to protect you," he always said. I went along with it but realized it made no sense so I eventually dumped him in front of his friends. Oh was he furious. I expected him to be mad at first but I didn't think he would go as far as he did. Let's just say it did not end well and I had to move schools. My second and LAST boyfriend I won't talk about. Even just to think about him hurts me and makes me want to start cutting again. Anyway after all that jazz, we moved from Florida to Los Angeles, Cali mainly for my daddy's job. I was excited to move so I can start fresh again and maybe actually enjoy school. We moved in June right when school ended and we are living happily in this gorgeous city. Alright so when I say up north I mean not in Florida where we use to live, but somewhere in Georgia. I don't know why, no offense to the state. It's great. Anyway even though we moved to California I thought I would still have to sit in that cabin for six weeks again. Little did I know, my parents had something else in mind.All Rights Reserved