Born and raised in the heart of a Troll City, Lilly Pureheart was an ordinary teenager with high ambitions and an affinity for books. Nothing had been more important than getting straight A's or winning the end of year debate competition until strange things start happening in Troll City.
There is a rumor going around that the - the founding family of the Troll City who lived in the historical Wolfe mansion was cursed. The curse had been thought to be cured for years, but it seemed to have returned. Something prowls the woods at night, and it howls at the moon when it's full. Lilly thought she would be safe if she just stayed inside where it's safe at night, but fate had other plans.
She soon finds herself captivated by the cursed beast that haunted the Wolfe mansion and given the choice to make a life-changing decision that can save the beast and Troll City in turn.