Book 1 in 'Mend Series'
He screams at me, slapping my face twice, 'You deserve all of this! You don't even deserve to live. You should die and do me a favour!'
I shield my face, making him more furious. He stopps slapping and I had only few seconds to catch my breath when he kicked my wounded ribs from previous beatings. I screamed, thinking it was loud enough, but was just an feeble attempt to stop Aadil. At that moment, the flashbacks of me being tied to a rod, with my parents enjoying the blood pouring out started playing. It's repeating all over again, and this time I may not survive to escape.
I was taken back in time. I feel I am back at that hostage room and me escaping to get out of this country is failing miserably. I mumbled with the little energy I held, 'Mum, Dad, please stop...'
But again, it was of no use, as my vision is displaying full of colourful, dancing dots. My breathing is becoming frantic every second, trying not to pass out, but it seems my body doesn't want to keep up with all of this. If this is really my ending, so be it. With that thought, the peace that I always imagined is starting to consume me. This is the end for me. I can finally rest peacefully.
The sound of Aadil's voice coming from a wide distance somehow is keeping me awake. Wasn't he by my side? Maybe, maybe he realized how wrong he was all this time. Maybe, just maybe...
His voice, that's filled with agony, whispers in a forlorn voice 'I'm sorry Hayati. Please stay alive. Don't leave me...'
#9 in spiritual ( 29th October 2017)
#6 in spiritual (10th December 2017)
#5 in spiritual (11th December 2017)
Walking out of an abusive marriage 'unscathed', Khadijah thought that was her salvation, the end of her suffering but the years of silent pain proved just how human she truly was and emotions was not something she could shut down.
Instead, She fought and restored all her broken pieces....or what was left of them, but like the scars forever imprinted on her, the pain had become a part of her. She destroyed everything that had to do with that painful life but she couldn't destroy herself, the biggest reminder of the pain she went through so she changed, for her sanity she remolded herself, her REBIRTH, soon she realized everything good comes with a sacrifice, she was her sacrifice.
First it was the confidence in her steps, the fight in her hooded eyes, and the pain behind her smile, if there was any indication from her stance, it was that she was different and with difference comes challenge.
The difference was what drew him and how much of a challenge she was and he never backs out from a challenge. He wanted-no, needed to see the person behind the strong façade she puts up, besides every successful person had a back story and he wont stop till he knows hers.
Join khadijah in her journey to rebirth or re-rebirth.