Some say that first impressions matters when meeting people. Why? Well maybe because some people wants others to look at them nicely. All for a Good impression. A positive outlook. But that wasn't the case for Luna. All that she know, is that she met the love of her life and the rest of her family and friends in the most unfavorable circumstances she can imagine. Be her guest and tell her that being arm-locked by a guy, with guns aimed her way was a good impression to be counted for. But despite these first impressions, she got to build a connection that she never expected and had the family that was taken from her from childhood. Now all that remains now for her is how to live out her life in a war with the love of her life that considers her as his very own reverie. Previous awards: [#1 KeithXoc] [ #5 VoltronWA2017] [Voltron Fanfiction] [Keith Kogane X OC] [Disclaimer: Voltron is not mine, the original characters aren't mine either. All I own is the mixed storylines and other new characters I added.] [ I didn't notice fast enough that it was also a KeithXocXLotor, and a Lotor mXoc ^^' ] [Contains the season 2,3,4...version Of "Voltron Legendary Defender:The new heroes" kind of thing.. ]All Rights Reserved