My story is about exactly what it says my fuck up life my dad(Justine Ben Elizabeth Cullen) and mom(Theodora Hailey Anne Cullen) are bother and sister and I didn't know he was my dad for like 8 years their is 17 kids including me in my house (yay big family NO)11 brothers and 6 sisters yay life. I make a lot of wrong discussions, hang with the wrong people,handle things bad and to make things worse my whole family is special my town(spoons) is either a vampire or were wolf or magic. The really special part about me, my mom, and my grandpa is that we all are chosen ones is what everyone calls us chosen one is where you are a vampire,were wolf,and magic wow right wrong being the chosen one sucks everyone hates you, everyone wants to hurt you,everyone wants you dead, and the chosen code says pretty much that the chosen one must go though as MUCH PAIN AS POSSIBLE yay me and my dad is the chosen killer which mean he has all the powers to just not that strong and decides the fate of the chosen one yay I hate him I do but I guess I love him too but sometimes he piss's me off ugh why oh and my grandpa's brothers are rapist,fighting master,the devil,God,a king In the family you could be 1 or 2 special things . Well here's sorta what my fuck up life is like if you really want to read it go ahead just don't say I didn't warn you.