This story follows a young boy named Andrew, who grows up not quite knowing who he is. Being mixed up in a web of family issues, he feels as though his life may never become anything more than a spiraling downfall towards his certain end. However, he meets a young girl named Alyssa through an online game who changes his life forever. Young Andrew develops a love for Alyssa, one that he has never had before in his life. The love and affection that is displayed is something that he is not accustomed to, and he struggles to fit into the new emotions that he experiences. Over time, Andrew and Alyssa are the happiest couple that you could ever imagine, until something strange begins to happen. Andrew feels as though there is something else controlling his body and mind, something not quite himself. But what, nobody is so sure of..
**This story will be a work in progress as I am currently enrolled in college. During my downtime, I will be sure to post new chapters and/or sections to the story. This story will contain some explicit content in certain chapters, however, those chapters will be marked for those who do not wish to read the material, and it will not be very often that it occurs.
A genetically unique but emotionally lost teenager must figure out who she is within her mixed-up, warring world of Shifters and Wolfstalkers.
It wasn't Maddie's choice to be born a half-breed, half Shifter, half Wolfstalker -- a hunter of Shifters -- and it wasn't her choice to keep her identity a secret. But after trying to attend high school like any normal sixteen-year-old, things quickly spiral south when her Stalker uncle finds out about her and catapults her out of anonymity and into the awareness--or possibly the crosshairs--of The Order of the Wolfstalker. Maddie must think fast and figure out a way to keep herself and her family safe, or risk losing everything. Including her life.
[[word count: 70,000-80,000 words]]