In 2016, September has come and the students have come back to Brickhall College to start a new school year. Though all seemed well, 16 year old Meghan (Meg) Walnut had dreams that came to her every night. Dreams of a life of a boy in the 1860s, which was nearly two centuries ago.
Yet, in the 1862, 16 year old Dalton McMiller who lived in Brickshaw Villas, a boarding house in Brickshaw was also dealing with dreams of a life of a girl in a century he doesn't even know. One night, he accidentally activated a locket he had kept all his life and travelled into a different dimension, but leaving the locket back at his house, and causing Meg to fall into his own dimension.
In 2016, Meg's friends Suzan Filaro and Martha (Marth) Choker found Dlaton in Meg's dorm and found him a lookalike of their friend. Since they couldn't think of another way to send Dalton back, they disguised him as Meg. While in 1862, Meg was discovered by Swanhild (Swan) Lennet in Dalton's room and helped her to disguise as Dalton, for the two had a striking resemblance. The two teens tried to fit in to their newfound surroundings and soon did, while trying to find a way to switch things back right.
One stormy night, a murder happened in Brickshaw Villas and an old couple, the Gilliburs were killed. Meg, in her Dalton disguised tried to help with the case, since she was part of the Detective Observatory back in Brickhall, with Swan by her side. And in 2016, Dalton was trying his best to deal with this boy, William Murphy who has been chasing Meg for years and facing Meg's mother Meranda Honey, a teacher in the school.
With their own problems and cases, they still tried to hide their true identies from those who don't know and find a way to get home. With the time travelling locket at Meg's side and nothing at Dalton's, will they be able to get everything solved and back to normal?
There was once a girl who loved more deeply and hurt more painfully than any normal person. But the thing is, she isn't normal. She wasn't "made" correctly. She was different from her family. Her eyes were gold. Her hair was curly. She was the shortest in her family at 5Ft 5In. She had stopped growing. She didn't fit the pattern. Still, she tried to blend in, which was hard for a girl like her. In a field of white roses, she was blood red.
She once loved a man who left her without as much as a goodbye. It nearly killed her. She thought she would never love again. That is, until a certain Original family came to town.
Name: Diana (DEE-ana) Bellerose
Age: 18
Hair Color: Brown
Hometown: Austin, Texas (I know! Different!)
Parents: Brianna and Dean Bellerose
Siblings: Josh Bellerose and Jessica Mason (She's married to Brookes Mason)
Best Friends: Luna Belwood and Raven Hallewell
Diana- Lucy Hale (Aria Montgomery)
Elijah- Daniel Gillies (Perfection)
Raven- Ashley Benson (Hannah Marin)
Klaus- Joseph Morgan (Also Perfection)
Luna- Troian Bellisario (Spencer Hastings)
William- Benedict Cumberbatch (My friend made me do it)(Sherlock, Alan Turing, Smaug, Etc...)
Rebekah- Claire Holt (Emma Gilbert)
Josh- Drew Van Acker (Jason DiLarentis)
Jessica- Torrey DeVitto (Melissa Hastings and Meredith Fell)
Brookes- Julian Morris (Wren Kim)
Briana- Lucy Griffiths (Marian of Knighton)
Dean- Richard Armitage (Thorin Oakenshield, Guy of Gisborne, Harry Kennedy, Etc...)
Harrold- Jonathan Groff (Jesse St. James, Kristof, etc...)
Uncle Jack- Mathew Davis (Alaric Saltzman)