"Smile, my dear Francine. It looks best on you."
Life has never been easy for a personification as it requires constant work, being able to manage stress, and constant grief. And with this, erupts war. War of which is sparked by the greed and power-hungry humans who want to control these other powerful beings known as 'personifications.' War is something that love has been seemingly hard to find, but two have managed to find it.
Francine Bonnefoy, representation of France, and Arthur Kirkland, representation of England, have started a bond that they wish to last forever. However, as a power hungry leader rises, their love is at risk. Having a soft, loving date night is what they only desired, yet this sweet moment is interrupted when Francine is briskly and unexpectedly called to return to France. Arthur rushes to help her, but he's afraid, it's much too late.
And what will happen there will not only shift her romantic relationship with Arthur Kirkland,
But may impact all of Europe.
In the year 2025, the world has finally found a state of peace - after making many pacts with the magical 'other side'.
One of those pacts being, choosing a soulmate at birth.
Everyone deserves to have a soulmate, and everyone deserves to find one.
The Other Side has made that job simpler, by giving every newborn child a special necklace, with a very special stone.
This stone shapes to your personality, and changes along as you do. It changes colors to your mood.
And best of all - it warms when you're near your soulmate. And when that person is finally near you, it grows so hot. It wants to burst into flames .
Arthur Kirkland is used to being alone - he best friend Kiku Honda having moved to America. After a year of video chats, and phone calls - Kiku finally finds a place for Arthur to stay in America. The Brit jumps towards the opportunity - surprising and annoyed with his American flat mate.
But, when Arthur's stone starts to act strange around said America - Arthur realizes that he is going to get more than he bargained for.