i feel like people are leaving me and i don't know why.
→ hr : 2PO
© 2017 freyyyaa
NOTE_2020: previously had an "alllivesmatter" tag on this book. it was added when this story was first started in 2017 to share my belief that all lives matter, regardless of gender, orientation, race, ethnicity, ability, etc. that tag was absolutely NOT associated with the alllivesmatter movement - that movement does not reflect the actual belief that all lives do matter. i have removed it now as the meaning behind the phrase 'all lives matter' is associated with a white supremacist ideology that is now being used to oppose and try to silence the Black Lives Matter movement.
all lives will matter when black lives, trans lives, indigenous lives, and all other oppressed groups are included in that. i hope that one day the phrase 'all lives matter' will no longer be a weapon used to suppress and silence civil rights but as a matter of fact. #BLM Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang
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