[UKFr] If I Can Go Back...
13 Bagian Lengkap DewasaThis just got into my mind so, I couldn't help but write it. Thank you for wasting a bit of your time in reading this. By the way, this contains a huuuuuge story, making me put France out of character. How could a 16 year-old lad with an appearance of a little lady would act like a pervert in front of other pirates?
So... I found it hard and made France act in and out of character until he came back to his own, old self. By the way, all italicised letters, words and sentences are all the characters' thoughts. The story is confusing at first since it has a huge twist, but when you get a hold of it, you'll actually get what it is all about.
Characters: Pirate!England, 16 and 26 years old France, 17 and 23 years old England
Pairings: United Kingdom x France/UKFr
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Action
Warnings: Violence and mature content at the end
// Republishing this here. This was uploaded in my old account. :D