Here, I'll post a bunch of my past works I've done from school and for fun. I do Visual Communication and Design at my school so I'll be posting a few of my Visualisation Drawings, Observational Drawings, Media Trials and Final Outcomes ^-^ I'll also post some of my practice drawings I've done for fun (Mainly through copying from a screen). I also plan to start trying out to draw some of my favorite Anime characters/animals or even some Game characters ^-^ For the cover of this book, I've edited the hair and eye colour to make the girl look like me but the original picture is not mine and belongs to the original artist. If any of you need some editing for your pictures (Hair, skin, eye, clothing colours) Either comment or PM me and I'll try my best to help you out and give you my best result! Please do not take any ownership of my drawings as I am quite proud of my creations and drawings! Arigato! - Emma (Chanem88) Highest rankings: #781 in 'Drawing' out of 2.2K Stories #12 in 'Environment' out of 34 Stories #270 in 'Design' out of 586 stories *Ranks updated on 16/05/2018All Rights Reserved