This FF is a ReMake of Shoujo Manga Chizumi and Fujiomi - Haru wo Matsukoro by Kyoko Hikawa-sensei. I'm only change the name of the characters, a bit of the stories and all, but the credit goes to the genius Kyoko Hikawa-sensei.
This is also somewhat a collectives of One Shoot. So expect to have END in every chapter. ^^v
Title : Suho and Kris - Haru Wo Matsukoro
Pairing : KrisHo, a bit of WonKyu and appearance of EXO members
Disclaimer : All casts are belong to their self and God also to the amazing mangaka, Kyoko Hikawa sensei and her publishing company; poster by @SuciiCho
ReMake : Shoujo Manga Chizumi and Fujiomi - Haru wo Matsukoro by Kyoko Hikawa sensei
Warning : Un-betaed, GS, OOC, AU, Change of Surnames and Ages for the Story