This fictional story takes place in Europe, where trams are the main way of transport. A mysterious blonde stranger in a black sweater makes his appearance. Who is this mysterious boy and why is he so captivating? There's something about him which seems to make one's world spin and crumble at the same time. If you want to take a chance, keep reading. The main character would be a spin off of Kim Taehyung's real life character, called Lucas here. The protagonist is yourself, or at least, an alternate universe version of yourself. Just imagine Tae is acting as this character. genre(s): au, kinda grungy tbh, fluff?, intrigue. (ps: okay my dudes, this protagonist is 17 and has a bit of an edgy personality with sardonic humor bUt is capable of fluff nonetheless. Be patient with her, and I'm sure you'll relate to some of the shit she says, also pls vote I need approval peace out) This is the first piece I ever uploaded, pls don't be too hard on me if it's shite ;-; -Noodleoodloo
3 parts