In a alternate scenario set in 1920s, where the Imperial German forces crushed the Entente with their iron ways- the Germanic way. The United States never helped in this scenario. They were dealing with political unrest in the homelands to even care for what is going on within the world. In Asia, The Nationalist Regime of China is battling Stalinist Communists, whom are deep in the mountains. Mongolia has decided to take its roots up from the past and starting conquering lands to the north. In this timeline there is no Russia, or Soviet Union, or empire. The Germans have abolished this once large nation and allows its residents to fend for themselves or work in the infamous German "cog" factories. The true notion that can be held from this is that the world is in flames. Lives are devastated, homes are destroyed, refugees of the previous war still roam. This story will follow a soldier as he tries to overcome with the new world he has found himself within the German Gear Company. In this world, these Gear Companies comprise of the mechanical walkers we see in our dreams. This, my friends, is where the story begins.